Selamat mencari2....

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

::Good bye my stuff::

That was his idea (my love). An exchange to a new phone.
Masa dengar memang la excited. Tapi time nak bagi, sedey la jugak.
Kalau diikutkan value, both my phones (plus) lagi rendah value dari phone yg dia bagi.
He will trade in my phones and buy the new phone for him.
Whatever la... Janji dia happy

Farewell to...

...Nokia 6120 classic...

...Sony Ericsson k810i...

Welcoming the new one...

...Nokia 5800 xpress music...

Yang tetap setia...

...Nokia 1110i...

2 usul laen:

Anonymous said...

yg patah tumbuh, yg hilang b'ganT... huhu

"::^sunyi^::" said...

lame doh aku tok blog....uhuhuhu....nak ym....uhuhuhuh...tenet aku xdok lagi..pitih xdok lg nak beli router wireless...huhuuhhu...aku rinduuuuuuuuuu.....aku chintaaaaa.........aku sebookkkkkkkkk........

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